Does Protein Synthesis Cause Joint Pain? – Vitaldiol
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Does Protein Synthesis Cause Joint Pain?

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Protein plays a huge part in the typical American diet. So many of us often start our days with a protein-rich egg-centric breakfast and end our nights with a main course of meat. Plus, those huge tubs of powdered protein have become a major part of gym culture. 

But can too much protein actually be a bad thing? Keep reading to learn more about protein and its effect on joints and muscles.

What Is Protein?

Along with fats and carbohydrates, protein is what we call a macronutrient—the nutrients our bodies use in the largest amounts. Proteins are made from organic molecules called amino acids, and they are essential for the body to build muscle, repair body tissue, and regulate metabolism. 

Our bodies don’t naturally produce all the amino acids we need to build proteins, and therefore we need to get them from our diets. Animal products are among the best natural sources of dietary proteins, but legumes and nuts are also excellent protein options for vegetarians and vegans. 

Does Not Using Enough Protein Cause Joint Pain?

When we get physical activity, our skeletal muscles begin to break down, and we need proteins to rebuild them. When we don’t have enough protein, our bodies can’t easily repair our muscle tissue, which can result in us feeling increased muscle and joint pain. 

Additionally, proteins make up a large portion of our synovial fluid—a thick liquid that helps to cushion our joints. Not getting enough protein in your diet could negatively impact this fluid.

So, would a protein deficiency create joint pain? It’s entirely possible. 

Can Multi Collagen Protein Cause Joint Pain & Muscle Spasms?

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins found in the human body, and it makes up the majority of our connective tissues. 

Some studies suggest that collagen supplements may help improve the connective tissues that protect your joints, resulting in lower overall levels of joint pain. Multi collagen protein supplements are safe and generally well-tolerated, but some side effects of large doses can include gastrointestinal distress and digestive issues. 

Can Too Much Protein Cause Joint Pain?

However, to make things more complicated, getting too much protein may actually have a negative effect on joint pain in the following ways. 

Protein And Inflammation 

Certain proteins can aggravate inflammation of the joints, which can result in feelings of pain—particularly for those who suffer from arthritis. For example, the fatty acids in eggs can increase the activity of the inflammation-triggering enzymes cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2. Other proteins to avoid if you deal with chronic joint pain include: casein (found in dairy milk), processed meats loaded with nitrites, and gluten. 

Protein And Gout

Consuming a diet with too much protein and not enough carbohydrates can send the body into ketosis—a metabolic state where you use fat instead of glucose to produce energy. While many people intentionally enter ketosis as a way to lose fat quickly, it can increase your chances of getting gout—a condition where high levels of ketones increase the amount of uric acid in the bloodstream, which can build up in the joints causing pain and inflammation. 

Protein And Obesity 

While high protein diets can help your body recover from exercise and rebuild muscle tissue, consuming too much of it causes your body to store the excess protein as fat. Over time, this can lead to obesity, substantially increasing the wear and tear on your joints and leading to increased joint pain. 

When committing to a high protein diet, it’s essential to make sure you get plenty of exercise and physical activity to keep your caloric-intake balanced. 

Can CBD and Tumeric Help Reduce Pain And Inflammation?

If too much protein is causing joint pain in your life, the first step is likely to take a more balanced approach to your diet. If pain persists, or you experience joint pain for other reasons, plant-based supplements can help alleviate discomfort. 

The Vitaldiol Relief Capsule contains two powerful all-natural pain-relieving compounds—hemp-derived CBD and turmeric-derived curcumin. This effective combination of simple ingredients helps combat the wear and tear our joints deal with on a daily basis. Just two capsules twice a day can reduce inflammation and alleviate aches, pains, and general muscle soreness. 

If you deal with joint pain and are searching for natural relief, talk to your doctor about incorporating CBD and turmeric into your daily wellness routine with Vitaldiol Relief.   

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