Lab Testing
Lab Testing
All of Vitaldiol’s products follow strict compliance standards and are constantly tested throughout the production process to ensure you a product that is accurate in dosage and free of contaminants. From our GMP certified manufacturing facilities to our third-party lab testing, our goal is to deliver you a formula that is safe and effective. To see the COA (Certificate of Analysis) for your Vitaldiol product, click on the respective icons below.
Frequently Asked Questions
A certificate of Analysis is essentially a document that verifies that the product meets the specification indicated on the packaged good. COA from Vitaldiol is issued by a third-party lab to test for cannabinoid content as well as contaminant presence to ensure the product is dosed correctly and safe to consume.
Due to lack of federal and state regulations, many brands selling CBD have a tendency of mislabeling their product with unverified information. This is why it's important to verify the COA prior to purchase to guarantee the safety and quality of the hemp.
Testing is extremely important because it helps determine wether or not the product came in contact with hazardous materials during the growing or manufacturing process. Even small concentrations of microbials, heavy metals, and pesticides are all toxic to human health.